4 mins
The revision of the Territorial Agenda 2030 and the regions lagging behind

Stefano Palmieri
The EESC strongly supports territorial cooperation and has welcomed the text of the Territorial Agenda 2030 (TA 2030) and endorsed its central pillars, which are based on justice, an environmental focus and the need for the territorial dimension to be reflected in all relevant areas of public administration. At the same time, the EESC welcomed the opportunity provided by the TA 2030 to participate in the process of implementing it. For the EESC, civil society stakeholders have to play a crucial role as they represent the real economy and act on the ground.
One of the key pillars of the TA 2030 is the balanced territorial development with a particular focus on supporting regions that are left behind. These regions (lagging regions) are experiencing slow economic growth and development. We believe that the participation and contribution of civil society are essential for supporting these regions.
A good example of fair representation is provided by the LEADER/ CLLD programme, in which a maximum of 50% of partnership members may come from public administration.
In this context, we are somewhat sceptical that the results from the surveys show that the utilisation of the CLLD/LEADER is declining although the improvement of local capacities and local potential is at the forefront of the TA 2030. We find it rather controversial that multilevel governance lies at the centre of cooperation and the policy instruments that promote it are not operating effectively. We believe that local authorities, especially those in regions that are behind with their ability to create integrated local solutions, can make effective use of financial resources earmarked for addressing the economic impacts of the multiple crises that the EU is facing but also to support the transition to more sustainable and resilient models of economic development.
The EESC notes that, in practice, the integrated territorial approach is primarily applied in rural and lagging areas and in the case of functional urban and metropolitan agglomerations (LEADER/CLLD). Although a cross-sectoral partnership is guaranteed in the composition of the management and advisory bodies, in practice the position of private entities (whether local businesses and NGOs or the so-called related Local Action Groups and associations) is significantly weaker when it comes to Integrated Territorial Investment. This needs to be dealt with in the future, as it does not result in a balanced view of the community's development needs.
In practice, the position of private entities is significantly weaker when it comes to Integrated Territorial Investment. This needs to be dealt with in the future, as it does not result in a balanced view of the community's development needs.
In our opinion, a more balanced representation must exist under the partnership principle in urban and regional development. A good example of fair representation is provided by the LEADER/CLLD programme, in which a maximum of 50% of partnership members may come from public administration. The EESC recommends much greater involvement of target groups (urban and rural residents, local NGOs and social partners) in effective public-private cooperation.
The future of the Territorial Agenda 2030 is closely linked to the transitions involved in the development and cohesion processes of the European regions. As part of these processes, particular attention must be paid to demographic changes. Initiatives and actions must be supported to enable all European regions and especially the regions lagging behind to adapt in a sustainable and inclusive manner to the effects of such demographic changes in the short and medium term. Specifically: i) social infrastructure must be strengthened by improving access to health and social care services, especially in rural, remote and regions lagging behind; ii) social inclusion must be promoted through initiatives to improve the integration of migrants and support communities in demographic decline; iii) the local economy must be developed with a view to the Silver Economy; employment and training opportunities for young people and women must be created, by providing incentives for digitalisation and innovation.
Naples, Italy //image from
The focus will be on governance and implementation and civil society organisations and the EESC have to play more active role in the governance of the TA 2030 and contribute to the priorities that have been set.
In this context, the EESC is preparing an opinion on the ''Revision of the Territorial Agenda 2030Towards a more integrated and civic approach with stronger links with the cohesion policy''. The focus will be on governance and implementation and civil society organisations and the EESC have to play more active role in the governance of the TA 2030 and contribute to the priorities that have been set. The EESC will propose the systematic and more intensive implementation of CLLD (Community-Led Local Development), ITIs (Integrated Territorial Investments) and any other tools facilitating integrated territorial development and cooperation with the civil society partners with stronger and tighter links with cohesion policy. The other scale of the opinion will be the stronger links that TA 2030 must have with cohesion policy.
Stefano Palmieri, EESC, former President of ECO Section and rapporteur of the opinion on the Revision of the Territorial Agenda 2030-Towards a more integrated and civic approach with stronger links with cohesion policy.